Territory Access and Aliases


In this section, the rules and regulations regarding access to the Websites are discussed.

Territory Access

The Operator is not allowed to offer B2C Services to any person that is residing in a Territory if this has been prohibited by any agreement with Third Parties, such as, however not limited to Payment Processors and Game Providers. It is the sole responsibility of the Operator to be aware of any limitations deriving from the said prohibitions to its B2C Services.

The Operator is obliged to arrange that persons residing in these prohibited Territories, shall not be able to view or access the Website. As a replacement, the Operator shall arrange for the display of a notification in such cases, explaining why the said person is not allowed to see the said Content.

The Operator shall at all times observe national as well as international rules and regulations that allow or prohibit display of Content, for which the Operator is solely responsible.

The Operator is required to Report, as an Incident, any notification of any Regulator stating that the Operator has allowed persons in a prohibited Territory to view or access the Website within one Business Day after the said notification has been received. Failure to do so or timely do so shall result in a Material Breach of the IP-Agreement. The Operator is obliged to respond to the Regulator that issued the notification, within the demanded timeframe.


Any aliases ("Alternate Designations" or "AD's) to network domains ("Brands") are allowed as long as they are minor deviations from those Brands. Major deviations however are not allowed, including adding elements or replacing elements that would or may lead to confusion with the general public on the brand it is dealing with. Subsequently deriving from CEG’ alias policy, deviations are at all times subject to approval of CEG.


The following deviations on the Brand examplecasino.com are allowed as Aliases of that Brand and subsequently not allowed as separate Brands due to its close resemblance with the already registered Brand as it may result in confusion on which Brand one is dealing with:

Category 1: example-casino.com, examplecasino.play, examplecasino1.com, 1examplecasino.com, casionexamplepoker.com, casinoexamplegames.com, casino.example.com, m.casinoexample.com

The following deviations on the Brand examplecasino.com are not allowed as aliases and therefore have to be registered as separate Brands:

Category 2: grandexamplecasino.com, bettercasino.com, casinoexamplefun.com, examplecasinoplus.com, plusexample.com

Category 2: grandexamplecasino.com, bettercasino.com, casinoexamplefun.com, examplecasinoplus.com, plusexample.com

The Operator shall refrain from using Aliases or any other method to negate, mask or circumvent any limitations on access to the Websites, imposed by any Party or Third Party, including Regulators.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary as referenced in this section, the use of Aliases is at any time subject to approval of CEG.

CEG shall on a mandatory basis as part of the B2B Services Package arrange for any measures necessary, costs to be borne by the Operator, if the Operator is found to be in breach of compliance with any requirements as meant in this section. The Operator that has been granted Dormancy Status shall not be exempt from any of its obligations as described in this section and shall therefore remain fully responsible for the Operation during the time of dormancy.